Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May Giveaway

April and the first part of May were incredibly busy and quite a bit crazy! A new acquaintance hosted a wrap party that was a huge success! (I was able to sign some new customers in addition to making $300 that evening) My in-laws also visited and that got interesting, they visited for 3.5 weeks! We had a great time going to the beach, the zoo, shopping, doing some in-home construction, and spending plenty of time indoors because it rained nearly every day they were here.

Now that that is over, May is a HUGE growth period for my stay-at-home job. I have signed customers, met tons of great people, and am still helping others to reach for their dreams and goals to have financial freedom, to get healthy, to reduce stretch marks, wrinkles, etc. As a thank you to all my customers and those wonderful people I have had the pleasure to meet I am doing a giveaway!! To have a chance to win one of these items all you have to do is contact me and I'll let you know what to do for there! No purchase necessary, no commitment! I hope to hear from you soon!
You can also contact me on Facebook!
(Sorry, no distributors for It Works can win!)